Султанбекова Сабина-9 класс » Шығыс Қазақстан облысы білім басқармасы "Средняя школа № 22" отдела образования по городу Усть-Каменогорску коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі
Шығыс Қазақстан облысы білім басқармасы
Өскемен қаласы бойынша білім бөлімінің
"№22 орта мектебі"
коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі
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Султанбекова Сабина-9 класс

Abai Kunanbayev is a great Kazalchpoet. The whole village knew his poems.
When reading his works, poems, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of "Aul" life. From early childhood he loved to learn and develop. Abai's mother always supported her son in all endeavors. His works are the heritage of the
Kazakh spiritual culture. No wonder the people are still on the lips of the poem of this great poet. His poems can be considered the golden works of Kazakh literature. Especially for the time when people did not even have primary
education. Abai Kunanbayev was an amazing person. He made a huge contribution to the development of education. He also knew many different languages and was engaged in the study and translation of foreign literature into
the Kazakh language. I will never cease to be surprised at this person. For that time, it was the height of perfection. When the steppes did not have schools and teachers. His desire for knowledge illuminated him and made him an enlightened person. His poems have incredible power and, when read, soothe the soul. You can feel the beauty of the Kazakh steppe. Most of all I like the words of edification. They carry a lot of meaning in my family, and I believe that everyone needs to read them. The words of edification or punishment creator, encourage to learn and strive for education. After all, even now in the 21st century, there is such a problem as ignorance. And the words of the great Abay are still relevant. To this day, his words serye as a salvation for the people from illiteracy and will always be
what the people should strive for the Kazakh people. Abai Kunanbaev, as you understand, was a very great poet and public figure, The book "The Way of Abai" was written about his ball life. The author of this work is Mukhtar Auezov. The factthat many poets and ordinary people write and speak about him confirms his greatness. I think Abay is an amazingperson. And I think that everyone should be acquainted with his works. Poems and words of edification should not be forgotten by the people, but should remain the golden heritage of Kazakh culture.